Warning: Rant of an overjoyed fan
Last Friday (10/13/07) Tori Amos played the second of two shows in New York City. The concert started at 9:00pm. Tori was backed by a drummer, guitarist and bass player. She came out wearing a platinum blond wig, high heels, and a yellow dress. She played a grand piano while singing. There was a small break after about 5 songs and Tori came out with different clothes with her long red hair out. She played for about two hours. She said she would have played for longer but MSG wouldn’t let her play for any longer.
So, how was the show? It was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo great!!!
You could really tell that everything was live. I had never seen Tori before and I wondered if she could really hit those notes outside of a recording studio. She has the best voice of anyone that I have ever heard. Not only did she hit those notes, but also she did it with ease. You knew that she was really singing because you could hear her breathe back on the mic. You knew she was really playing piano because when she was wearing that little sexy yellow dress, you could see her muscles moving on her arm while she played. I had a really good seat.
She started off by mostly playing new material from the new album, and then she went into older material. One thing I really liked is that she did not stick to the hits; like she never played “Silent all these years.” She played some really obscure stuff that I thought I only liked. I guess I was wrong about that.
She played “Space Dog” off her second album “Under the Pink.” This brought back such a strong memories of being in Istanbul, Turkey. For some reason when I vacationed in Turkey I took with me a mixed tape of rap, techno, country and Tori Amos. “Space Dog” reminded me of taking a ferry from one side of Istanbul to the other and looking out on the city at night.
I guess the problem of getting older is that going to a concert of your favorite music can take you back like 15 years of your life. I was happy that she played “Cornfake Girl” which was the first C/D of Tori I ever had. Once, I taped it for my sister because I thought it was so good. My sister got mad because she said I was calling her a flake.
Anyway, Tori Amos’s voice filled every crevasse of the theatre. During the middle of the show, it was just her and the piano. It was intimate and some how much more powerful and complete than when she was performing with her band. She played older tracks then such as “Winter” which reminds me very strongly of a very specific time in Paris. It was just amazing.
Sometimes Tori sounds like such as Diva on her album, I was surprised that she was such a dork. It felt like she was having so much fun during the performance with her little dances around her piano as she played it. When she wasn’t playing the piano she walked about the stage bouncing and shaking her hands like an excited little girl. She really seemed to have a espirit de cour of a happy child.
She played one song that was oriented specifically for New York. Maybe she does that with every city. I don’t know, but it did get s huge response with an audience that was mostly female.
Overall, it was a wonderful performance. She ended with “Hey Jupitor” with a different arrangement than on “The boys of Pele.” The audience seemed happy, and I certainly was too.
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