Not a good movie. It was a series of embarrassing scenes of a wasp family, despite their Irish last name, getting along and having fun together in Rhode Island. Now, most movies have a happy family, but this was over the top with family talent shows, songs, workouts, football games, and bowling.
The basic premise of the film is Steve Carell, single family of three daughters, visits his family for what seems like a month. He meets Juliette Binoche, who pulls off her best American ascent. It would have better she was supposed to be French. Anyway, these two meet at bookstore, but they find out that she is dating his younger brother played by Dane Cook. You can probably figure out the rest.
Dan in Real Life has a really dark look to it. Everything seemed in the shadows. Carell is a funny guy, and he alone provided a few needed laughs, but he seemed so depressed; you feel depressed too.
The soundtrack was really annoying too. I do think I has seen every piece of clothing in the film at Urban Outfitters.
I can’t recommend this film. It seems like it would be good on the Saturday afternoon when you just want to see something barely watchable on T.V.

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