Penelope is a little movie that most people probably will wait to see on T.V. This is fair enough; especially as this is another late review, where the movie has left theatre, but I thought I might get it out anyway.
Penelope is short and sweet updated fairytale. It is a delightful story of a girl who was cursed by a witch to have a pig’s noise. The curse can only be broken when a suitor of blue blood marries her. Her parents, especially her mother, being of high society, in London maybe New York or a hybrid of the two, hide in her room till she is of age. Upon time that she is ready, they send in boys with blue blood to meet her. The problem with that being that when they get a look at her they go running to woods or anywhere they can get to. To off set this Penelope hides behind a two way mirror when she meets them in an effort to not scare them off too quickly.
Now being that she is such a mysterious girl of wealth and stature there is a media interested. A newspaper man, little man, goes after picture of the young woman; as none exist in the public spectrum. He finds a blue blooded boy, played by James McAvoy, who is down on his luck to walk in with a secret camera to snatch a shot. He is collected by the parents along with other boys, but he misses the sight of Penelope when the others run. He stays. He keeps coming back, talking to her through a wall until he can take a picture. He ends up liking her and he doesn’t run when he sees but he cannot marry her because he is not really of blue blood, which no one knows.
Penelope runs away to the city, and is discovered. When she learns to love herself the curse is broken. She finds the young man of her affections and they go out.
It is a charming little movie with a blight and vibrant look to it. It marks Reese Witherspoon’s first producer credit. She is also an actress in it.
Penelope is a great family film that is totally watchable for adults.
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