Go out and grab your girlfriends, a cosmo (or two or three), and sit back and enjoy the "chickflick" of all chickflicks. Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker) and 'the girls' are back for one more shot at love, romance, and happiness.
We see Carrie and the girls 5 years later (from when the show ended) and between conversation and flashbacks we were caught up to what's been going on in their lives over the last few years. In short... Miranda is with Steve and they are having marital problems. Steve cheated on Miranda, she got mad and moved out. Charlotte is living her happily ever after married life, adopts a baby, has a bunch of really adorable dogs, and gets the best news of all...she's pregnant. Samantha has temporarily put her mojo to rest and is still with the same youngin' actor/model living in LA now. She's bored out there though and flyes back to NY every opportunity she gets. She also has a really hot naked neighbor. That leaves our girl Carrie. What happened to her since that kiss with Big (Chris Noth) - whose real name we finally find out - in Paris? Well...she and Big are together again (after many more breakups) and they finally decide to get married.
Get married???? WWHHHAAAATTTT!?!?!? That's right. Dream come true (you'd think). It started out as a small wedding, but because of the status and connections of Carrie and Big, the wedding process turns into a three ring circus. Unfortunately, Carrie is left at the alter. She's devestated. Crushed. Broken. Takes her girlfriends on her honeymoon with her. Doesn't help. You see Carrie heal and try to get over Big over the next few months. We've all been there. Been hurt. Try to recover and move on... But not really ever letting go. It's a tough road, and through it all we have our friends.
So how does this story end? Miranda and Steve try to work things out, Charlotte has her baby and is as happy as ever, and Samantha leaves her youngin' and moves back to NY where she belongs. Carrie, well Carrie in true 'Sex and the City' fashion, goes to get her shoes that are still in 'her and Big's' apt before the lease runs out and she looses her shoes forever and finds Big there, waiting. They get married - a small, circus free wedding this time and live happily ever after (I hope)
Overall, this movie was great. The emotions were real, the girls were back and in rare form and the clothes, bags, and shoes were all fabulous. Its an enjoyable, fun filled must see movie.
By Lauren Boykin
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