I am starting to think there is not a super-hero movie out there that I will not go see. No matter how bad it is, I am there. Punisher, Daredevil, Ghostrider, and now The Spirit.
At least with one you can say, "well, there were some interesting visuals!" All that Frank Miller noirish shtick. All that was there, but it didn't have the striking effect it did with Sin City. Nor, did it have the quality of actors.
The story had the structure of the first Spiderman movie with that whole "Who am I?" question that the story was sandwiched around. The images the Spirit running across rooftops in the highbred of New York and Chicago was always Spidey-esque.
Remember in Sin City that every scene was so over-dramatic that no real character development was really necessary. They try the same here, but it doesn't work because the scenes really don't work. Only Scarlett Johansson, the only talented actor in the ensemble, had any development, but that seemed almost by accident.
There some weird Nazi scene that I really didn't like. It is the only time I have scene a black man dressed in full S.S. Nazi uniform. There are times when surreally meant scenes fail. There was that great game show scene in Natural Born Killers that really worked. It was funny , disturbing and somehow brilliant then there is the The Beatles' Yellow Submarine movie that just failed entirely.
Oh right, the story. What story? The movie was that bad.
I think The Spirit tried marry elements of the first Spiderman, Tim Burton's Batman movie, and the Frank Miller style. Nah. it didn't work.
Look, I figure if you are a male under 12 years old, you will like it a lot. If I saw this movie at age 10, I would have dragged my mother to Toys R' Us for get me a Spirit action figure.

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