Well worth the wait! Fanboys was suppose to be released in September then later in the fall. I am really not sure how long this movie has been pushed back. It's out now!
This is one of the greatest nerd movies of all-time. This is movie made for Star Wars fans by Star Wars fans. All general sci-fi fans can appreciate it this. I haven't laughed so much at the movies since Zach and Miri make a porno.
Fan Boys is a period piece; set circa 1999. The first new Star Wars movie has yet to be released. For four Star Wars geeks who have spent more time of their lives arguing Star Wars than Shakespeare there is no greater event in their mid-twenties of life. Except one of them is terminal Ill and will not live to see the new movie.
Our young rogues set out on a across country pilgrimage to nic a copy of the new Star Wars movie. Along the way, they battle Star Trek fans at the birthplace of Kirk, a pimp played by Seth Rogan. They run into Billy Dee Williams, Carrie Fisher, Jason Mewes, Kevin Smith,and many of the Judd Apatow crew. The movie stars Jay Baruchel ( Tropic Thunder, Nick and Norah's Infinite playlist, Undeclared, Knocked up) and Kirsten Bell (Forgetting Sarah Marshal). Let's not forget William Shatner, who can score anything.
When they do break into the Skywalker Ranch in Modesto California, they want into a Lucas Film fantasy film props from Star Wars and Indiana Jones. The best part is when they enter a room with Darth Vader, R2D2 and C3PO, Indi's hat, and other treasures. Well, before they the get caught. However, the guards who include the actor who played Darth Maul eventually let them go after administering a nerd test to see if they know more about Star Wars than they do about sex. They all pass.
The ends with the start of the Phantom Menace, when one remarks "What if it sucks?"
I can't imagine that all people will get this film. It would not surprise if many critics have trashed this film. Maybe because they are not nerds or maybe because they are Star Trek fans; who knows! Not everyone will get this joke when a doctor played by Carrie Fisher is kissed by one of our hero's who tells her that he loves her, and she responses with "I know." Not everyone will remember that Han Solo and Princess Leah interaction, but those people shouldn't be watching this film. For the rest of us,we'll laugh our
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