I have to admit that this is probably the best time I have had at the theatre in a while. This movie is basically “The Beatles, the musical.” There is barely a story here. It is just an excuse to make movie set in the 60’s and sing a lot of Beatles songs. In fact, they murder the songs most of the time. However, as my grandma used to say, you can murder a good song, but you can’t kill it. Basically, what you do with this film is to stop paying attention to any kind of narrative, and sing aloud with your favorite Beatles songs. They are mostly sung in a cheesy musical theatre fashion, which makes it easy to follow along. If you can't do that, then just enjoy the interesting visuals. If you can do both, then you will have a great time with this campy movie.
Of course, you might have some intellectual tension with the fact that this movie is constantly taking Beatles references literally to a point of nausea. Nausea ain’t fun! That is exactly why it is important not think too much while watching this.

Probably the best part of the movie are the visuals, which would be somewhat artistic if the movie just wasn’t so damn cheesy, but you are going to the listen to Beatles songs anyway, so who cares!
Bono is in the movie. He plays Dr. Robert. Dr. Robert is a John Lennon song from the Revolver album. Get it, the Beatles have a song called Dr. Robert and Bono plays Dr. Robert. OK, forgot it. Well, this was no stretch for Bono who basically played his Macfisto role from the Zoo TV tour. U2 constantly barrows from the Beatles anyway, so Bono was right at home here. You can here Bono sing “I am the Walrus,” which is pretty good, and “Lucy in the sky with Diamonds” with The Edge.
Did I mention that the Paul McCartney look-a-like, played by Jim Sturgess, is named Jude? His love interest, who was just 17, was played Evan Rachel Wood is named Lucy. And you have a Jojo, Sadie, Prudence, and lets just say, it gets worse. At one point Jude says, “She came in through the bathroom window.” oi, really! Now, she could have just done that and the audience would have gotten the picture, but no, the filmmakers had to go for 120% cheesiness. If you not a purest, it is possible to really enjoy this shtick.

I am not one to have an opinion on choreography, but I like it in this film. I really seems to have work well. There are a thousand and one references to people and events of the sixties that are so NOT subtle.
This film is directed by Julie Taymor.
Just think of Across the Universe as Beatles sing-a-long and you will be in great shape, and don’t forget to clap when they have John Lennon, George Harrison, Paul McCartney, and Ringo in the credits, because it is the only mention of the actual Beatles in this movie. This feels like a cult classic!

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