Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Nanny Diaries (2007)

Well, don’t want to say that this movie sucked, it certainly didn’t, although nothing else seems to come to mind.

I think if you are fan of the book, I think you will be significantly disappointed. It reminds me of the “Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy” – good book, bad movie.

Of course The Nanny Diaries is not without it’s redeeming qualities. Watching Scarlett Johansson for an hour and a half goes without saying. Laura Linney, Mrs. X, carries the film. She is fragile, terrible, and sympathetic at the same time. She plays the abusive selfish 5th Avenue mother, which Johansson, the Nanny, works for. Paul Giamatti plays her husband very well. He is as disgusting as one can be. As far acting talent goes, that’s about it. The kid, Grayer, played by Nicolas Art was probably the worst child actor I have ever seen. Alicia Keys plays the Nanny’s best friend, which makes absolutely no sense, because both girls seem like they would never have anything to do with each other. Chris Evans plays the Nanny’s love interest. I kept on waiting for him to say “Flame on” and rescue her as the “Human Torch.” Their romance is lacking too, as the movie gives no reason why they would want to be with each other, except for animal lust.

You can see how this is a very entertaining book. Some of the text is kept in the narration, which is cute, funny and insightful. However, the filmmakers Shari Springer Berman and Robert Pulcini do about everything they can to ruin a very engaging and entertaining summer read. The first part of the Nanny Diaries feels like you are watching a Lizzie Macquire story. It gets better as you get into the story, which is good, but it is told in such a boring way. It could have easily been a Disney channel movie, if only they had edited it down.

The locations in the film are easily for most New Yorkers to recognize Columbia University, the Travelers building in Tribeca, the Avalon apartments in Jersey City, etc.

The best part of the movie is looking at this world of the superrich through an anthropological lens. It is both funny and puts things into perspective.

The Nanny Diaries is a story of a girl from New Jersey who has just graduated college. She is daughter of a single mother. She takes a job as a nanny to avoid life. Lies to her mother about the job. She finds herself almost being a slave to a rich bitch. However, she falls for the little boy who she is taking care and cannot leave the job so easily because of that. After the husband tries to seduce her, which she resists, the wife fires her. What is both sad and fascinating about this story is how realistic it seems. It is one of those times when reality is much stranger than fiction (no pun).

I would recommend the book over the movie.

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