D-Sides because these are the B-sides to the Singles off of Demon Days. So, I guess these are the tracks that didn’t make it on the album. From the sound of it was probably a good thing. Demon Days was a perfect album and maybe the best of the decade. These tunes are in the same vein but not in the same league. With exception of Hong Kong, the rest of these songs are probably only great for Gorillaz fans, which D-Sides is a must have.
Must Download Hong Kong
Hong Kong is a beautiful Damon Albarn ballad which is done with someone on a traditional Chinese instrument where the strings are plucked with devices that are placed on each finger, which I think is called a Gu zheng.
Other goodies are We are Happy Landfill, and The Swagga ( or “Whoo” Song).
What disc really is is a good groove album, something to put on at the beginning of a party when people are arriving. Gorrillaz have always been a mixture of cool non-pop music presented through, you know the guy from Blur. This release is less hip-hop and more trance, reggae, electronic and groove with some cool vocals.
The second disc is just nine remixes, and most of them are the song Dare, which just reminds me you how good Demon Days is. The one cool thing that D-Sides proves is that the right songs got on Demon Days. Don't get me wrong. D-Sides is great, but not for everyone.

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