Definitely,maybe is this year’s Valentine’s Day film. It is suppose to be a cute movie on how a divorced father tells his daughter how he met her mother. It all starts because in her school when he is picking his daughter up from school, a sex education class was taught. This starts a series of questions from the daughter to the father. The father, here played by Ryan Reynolds, makes the story of his romantic life a game for the girl played by Little Miss Sunshine’s Abigail Breslin. Now, this sounds like a good story, except that this guy so doesn’t work.
Reynolds seems completely miscast. Although he does a good job with Maya, the daughter in the film, he is boring and unbelievable in his role of the nice single guy. Even if you try really hard to take him serious, because, you know, it’s a movie, you can’t. You are just watching a bad actor.
The women in his life are better. Abigail Breslin plays were role as a feminist daughter; a bit like Lisa Simpson minus the sweetness. She is rude and abrasive. The three girlfriends are written perfectly, and are a pleasure to watch. Sometimes I felt that Rachel Weiss is too typed cast as a selfish manipulative bitch. She was definitely the best actress here. She doesn’t seem like she is the character that she always portrays and that is a little distracting.
The movie is much too long. The parallels with the political Bill Clinton are just not necessary. I did mention that this is a period piece of the nineties? They take an hour to make five points that they could have made in 20 minutes. This movie could have been much better is they just edited it down. You start not to care after a while, and just hope that the movie would pick up the pace, then just end.
It wants to be a tearjerker. Through the film there are scenes you are suppose to cry at. You see them coming a mile away, and you feel so cheated when they come over and over again.; although, if you are feeling really bad about life, then you might appreciate them. If you do, please consult a doctor!

So what works on with this film? Hmm . . . let me think about that one. (time passing) OK, the soundtrack was great. It was early 90’s music, the new retro. Also Rachel Weiss, Isla Fischer ( Ali’g’s girlfriend), and New York City were good things about this film. It was funny. I have seen Cloverfield, Enchantment, and this one, and all three films are shot in the exact same places in Manhattan. I might do a photo essay just to prove it. Another funny thing is that with Manhattan prices so out of control, somehow New York City has been become this upper middle class setting for movies.
Anyway, wait till this is the hallmark movie of the week. Not a lot here that is worth your money.

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