It’s hard to believe that movies can still be this bad. The Runaways shows bad film-making, bad acting, and a bad script. They even made very good-looking girls look really ugly: Dakota Fanning and Kristen Stewart.
The premise of the story, if you can call it that, is the true story of an all girl rock band, The Runaways, from the late 70’s that makes it then self-destructs. It could have been an interesting movie as some of the girls became known in the 80’s: Joan Jett, Lita Ford, and Micki Steele of the Bangles. Instead it is poorly focused on the lead singer Cherie Currie, whose memoir the movie was based on.
The movie focuses on the starting of the band with Joan Jett. In a clichéd feminist moment she rocks out when her guitar instructs her that as a girl she can only play lame music. There is an almost ten minutes seen of Dakota Fanning lip singing to a David Bowie song. Lets skip the uneven formation of the band which is includes fictional characters. Why are there fictional characters in this? Where there legal issues?
The audience gets a rock n’ roll for Dummies seminar from Michael Shannon playing record producer Kim Fowley. It is one of the few times the movie has any energy.
The rest of the movie, which characterizes their rise and fall, is a just drug hazed lesbian orgy that goes on forever.
It might be early, but this could possible be the worst movie of the year.
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